Category Archives: News

ARCHES celebrates the International Day of People with Disabilities

ARCHES would like to celebrate the International Day of People with Disabilities by giving the word to the member of its participatory groups, which meet in 6 museums around Europe. Here are their contributions. Many thanks to everybody who has made this great work possible.

Vienna Consortium Meeting Nov. 2018

Closing notes on Consortium Meeting in Vienna

After two days of intensive meetings, discussions and testing, we are happy to coles our ARCHES Project consortium meeting in Vienna. We resolved maybe pending issues and focused on Project monitoring, Technical Advances, Exit Strategies, Demo sessions, How to guides, Publications, and the Final Event.

ARCHES Presentation at REA Workshop, Brussels

On Nov. 14, 2018, we presented ARCHES at the Workshop “Common challenges and perspectives for Digital Cultural Heritage in H2020 projects: building on lessons learnt and strengthening the societal impact” in Brussels. Organized by the REA B3 Cultural Heritage team, which belongs to the Research

5 participants sitting around a table with a iPads

‘Lights! Camera! Action! And then?

The London Exploration group has started an exciting new project. With the V&A they have taken up film editing short course to be able to film, record and express their views in the most dynamic way. Below are two images one of Wen-Sheng teaching about

training session in Madrid

Training session in Madrid

On Monday, 11th September, the museum partners received a training session from the Open University and University of Bath. The training was organised at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Museum partners from the V&A, the Wallace Collection, the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, the Lazaro Galdiano Museum and the Fine

Photograph of a groups of people observing the Portrait of the Ferrara Court Jester Gonella and 3D relief. Copyright KHM-Museumsverban

Preliminary steps to organise ARCHES sessions in Austria

On Wednesday the 3rd May, the Open University (leader of WP2 “Working with participatory research groups”) met ARCHES’ Austrian museum partner, the Kunsthistorisches Museum, in Vienna. With the aim of familiarising the museum with the London Exploration Group’s ways of working, our colleagues Rotraut (Kunsthistorisches

Agenda of the meeting

Preliminary steps to organise ARCHES sessions in Spain

On Monday the 24th April, the Spanish museums participating in ARCHES – Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza and Museo Lázaro Galdiano – held a meeting with the coordinator (Treelogic), The Open University (leader of WP2 “Working with participatory research groups”) and ArteConTacto

Starting ARCHES sessions at V&A and the Wallace Collection

On Friday the 6th of January 35 participants and their supporters gathered for the first ARCHES session at the Victoria and Albert Museum. The group consisted of a variety of individuals and organisations that had been recruited over the course of 2 months. By contacting