Tag Archives: @ArchesEU

ARCHES mentioned in European Commission Political Priorities’ videos

We are very proud to announce that the ARCHES project now also forms part of the European Commission Political Priorities’ video collection. You can either find it on the page where all the videos are published: https://www.research-innovation-exhibition.eu/en/gallery …or directly here: A big thank you to

Yet another book that includes ARCHES research!

The latest book from Simon Hayhoe is out! One of many publications that include the ARCHES methodology and field research, this time in the form of an “Introduction to Grounded Methodology for Emerging Educational Researchers”. Congrats to Simon and his co-authors!  

ARCHES will exhibit at the ROCK Open Knowledge Week!

ARCHES joins the event as an exhibitor. NOTE: All talks of the conference are translated into sign languages! From 27-30 October 2020, ARCHES will be part of the Open Knowledge Week “Cultural Heritage Leading Urban Futures”, a virtual conference for city officers, policy-makers, urban researchers, cultural

ARCHES is one of the 10 Finalists of the Horizon Impact Award

The European Commission has announced the 10 projects to reach the final stage of the second edition of Horizon Impact Award – a prize dedicated to EU-funded projects whose results have created societal impact across Europe and beyond. The prize acknowledges and rewards the most

Results of the Workshop in Bonn

Thank you to all the participants who took part in the ARCHES workshop at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn last week. Here are some images we took at the event. Please don’t forget that you can download our useful materials, including the handbook (in English, German

Workshop Nantes – Results

Atelier sur l’accessibilité et les technologies dans le domaine culturel 20 novembre 2019, Musée d’arts de Nantes, France, 10h – 13:30h Introduction à ARCHES ARCHES signifie “Accessible Resources for Cultural Heritage EcoSystems”. Avec le soutien de l’Union européenne, ARCHES a réuni des personnes handicapées, des entreprises technologiques, des

Rotraut Krall and Luka Tillinger discussing the latest version of the ARCHES game

ARCHES Final Event in images and videos

For those who were not able to come to our Final Event at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid on Nov. 7, 2019, here are some images and videos of the exhibition space and the talks.